Is there a way to switch one set of speakers between two sound systems?

This may seem nutty at first, but it's been suggested as an unorthodox solution to a tricky configuration problem.  Before dismissing it out of hand, I thought it'd be worth asking for constructive feedback on Audiogon.

Is there any way to switch a single set of speakers between two different amplifiers without compromising sonics?  Switching would be done often, so the mechanism would have to be easy -- preferably with a remote or the twist of a dial or even done automatically by sensing input signals, and definitely not involving moving cables.

If this is confusing, here's a simplified example: A listening room contains two systems, one solid-state, one with tubed components.  A single stereo speaker system has only one set of inputs.  Is there any product or configuration method that would like the speakers to seamlessly reproduce signals generated by either system.  Since the two amps would never be playing simultaneously, the speakers might merely play any signal that reaches them, like MartinLogan subs, which  automatically play any signal received at any of their three inputs.

I understand that a “simple” 2-to-1 junction box would not be so simple in an audiophile environment, especially when routing amplified signals from components that might have greatly different output-stage characteristics. 

Any ideas?


Showing 3 responses by deep_333

Is there any way to switch a single set of speakers between two different amplifiers without compromising sonics? Switching would be done often, so the mechanism would have to be easy -- preferably with a remote or the twist of a dial or even done automatically by sensing input signals, and definitely not involving moving cables.

Luxman AS-55 speaker selector switch box

~500 bucks w/shipping, if you buy it directly from a Japan based ebay seller

~1000 bucks if you buy it from a North American jackass (500 bucks is the real price).

It is the only selector i have not been able to detect much sonic degradation thus far. The other alternative is to keep plugging/unplugging speaker cables eternally and wear out the terminals/connectors etc.

deep+333: I see that Luxman also made what appears to be a stripped-down version with remote (the AS-50R) that is selling "new" for $300-350.

@cundare2 I ignored the AS-50R and the Van Alstine as they are powered devices/requires a power supply (an unnecessary complication). The AS-55 does not. I only use it in a "relatively affordable" rig. I don’t use it in my cost no object rig (there is no use case in that room).

I am unable to recall the name of a decent device i had over 15 years ago now from some obscure Eastern European manufacturer. It was around a 1000 bucks and was ok, while it lasted. There are minimal decent options out there actually...If the AS-55 didn’t work out for you, just sell it. At the least, it’s a nice looking piece and some Luxman fanboy around here will buy it (you will get your money back).

You could always get another pair of speakers, i.e. one separate pair for each amp for added variety of sound signatures and forget about switches. One can never have enough speakers.

@cundare2 , I just swapped the Luxman AS-55 in/out of my big rig a few times. (Relevant equipment: Lux M900u --> AQ Thunderbird  --> TAD), I can't hear degradation/anything different...Typically (for the  most part), i can hear a gnat's fart in this room. Only trying switches in your rig can reveal if it's good for you or not...(what some other forum dude is saying doesn't matter)...