Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?

Have been a SET guy for so long I have forgotten what a good SS amp even sounds like.
Just bought a pair of $33k speakers that will replace my current $16k speakers. Both are from the same designer and both are 92db and a flat 8 ohms. The new ones arrive in 4 days!
My 300B based amps well drive my current speakers even though I do use the system nightly as a 2 channel home theater. Especially considering the HT usage, I think I may enjoy a SS amp with many times the horsepower. The speaker designer suggests using a Leema Hydra II. I have written to Leema telling them of my 300B preference and they assure me that their amp does not have the destructive harmonics that make a SS amp bright. There must be other SS amps that can satisfy?

Showing 3 responses by audioman58

What tube amps are SET amps ? If it more then 8 wpc it is not a true SET 300 b have great mids but are for sure rolled off on top and cannot compete in the bottom octaves with SS amps 
there are trade off on SS vs valve thst is why personally myself and many use a very good SS amp and a vacuum tube preamp.
i use newer  Krell And they are high bias in pure class A which gives a lot f tube characteristics to the sound  a good hybrid like Esthetics ,it not spelled correct but  close.make a very nice hybrid amp.
A true SET is A single ended Circuit within. That  one Tube per channel capabilities,when you use say 2 -300b tubes Around 20 wpc or any set type tube 
your circuit starts getting more complex and start going into class A mode which takes away from the absolute purity of the SET design Still very good , That is why you will never see 
a pure SET amp with more then around 8wpc . In design it goes deeper then that just look up a true SET Vacuum tube circuit .In its simplicity
a 300 b excels in the midrange thst is why many use these with 
104 db klipsch a Khorns or Voxativ drivers for example .
or even a external powered sub .below 100 hz.
David_ ten a 211 tube can be a SET  845 is more a power triode
any higher power tube is usually a class A triode 
S.ET my nature are under 10 wpc per pair 
this is not set in stone ,but more the norm.