Is there a high quality transport that doubles as a Blue Ray player?

I want to upgrade my CD player but do not want separate boxes for cd and blue ray.   I am willing to sacrifice sound quality for a compromise as most high end CD players are not blue ray players.   Looking for under 1k used or new ok.  

Showing 1 response by tweak1

Oppo 105, BUT, it has been widely reported that the power supply is a very weak link. You can find them on ebay along with replacing the IEC with a Furutech: mine came complete with pure silver tail that snaps in place on the board. Also get the 110/220 bypass jumper. You’ll be shocked (in a good way)

It’s 100% DIY- screw job. Just keep separate containers for the different size screws. When you’re done, leave the top off. I bought a cheap air conditioner filter to keep dust out
