My 205 WAS the DAC on sale for 1600. It was on sale because it was exactly leaner than I desired although it was detailed, open, and clean. But I pulled the ad because of some changes. Let me explain.
I had made some improvements to the upstream DDC the Singxer SU-6 and I bought some DC purifier/booster devices from AliExpress to use on various components including the other DAC I was using. I heard a sizeable improvement in the system with these improvements. Being the curious tinkering audiophile that I am, I decided to take the 205 out if its box and try the DC purifier/booster on the 205.
With the 205 back in the system with the enhancements, the 205 is not lacking in bass/punch/dynamics. If anything, I’m getting more of these things with the 205 over the other respectable DAC I am using. The bass is full and has weight. This weight is also not limited to the bass. For example, snare drum and higher frequency sounds now have more impact/attack. I sense more "elasticity" than before with the sound. In other words, the fun factor has made a comeback. The other DAC will now go on sale. This is the most fun my system has sounded since I’ve gone all DC. And I dare say this is the second best system I’ve put together and that’s saying something because I’ve gone through a lot of gear and have done a lot of tinkering over the years.
One note to anyone new to the 204/205: do play with 10dB and 20dB output attenuators. I found I had both inadvertently set on. In my system, I preferred only the 10dB attenuator on to match my headphone amp/preamp.