Is the Technics SP10R motor controller using a switching power supply


Looking for inputs from owners of the SP10R turntable. Is the motor controller using a switching power supply and does it accept power inputs from 100v-240v?

I'm thinking of getting one from Japan but worried about the power input being only 100V. Unless it is an SMPS and is auto voltage. 

Hoping to hear from owners.



@ddriveman I do not own the SP10 R, it is a friends, this individual was initially a user of a Linn LP 12 that has many Upgrades included.  They purchased the SP10 R after being demonstrated my modified SP10 MkII. 

As for the TA Selection they were suppled a range of TA's to trial with the New un-plinthed  TT, mounting TA's on a Standalone Arm Pod.

I even loaned a SME IV to be trialed with other TA's, the 12" Glanz was the one that made the biggest impression.

This TT, is mounted in a Solid Aluminium Plinth produced by a machine shop to the owners dimensions, the TA remains mounted on a Pod.

My suggestion for you as a Plinth Material is to investigate the use of a Densified Wood such as, 'Panzerholz' or 'Permali'. To attain knowledge of this material early on in your planning will give a good footing for the future plans. I know from personal experience how valuable this Plinth  type is a addition to a DD, especially the Technics SP10 design. 


Thanks for your info.

I have a PanzerHoltz plinth for my current SP10mk3. It's an Albert Porter plinth.

I should be able to drop in the SP10R into the plinth.


Any chance you can ask your friend to take a look at his motir controller at the rear. Even better, send a pic.



@ddriveman You have done your research and in my view have invested wisely in the design for the Plinth. It would be very satisfying as a outcome, if only a minimum of modification is required to fasten the R to the plinth in place of the Mk III.

I will make an inquiry to have images taken, I am not too sure how to add images to posts on this forum. I only have had success with URL links. 

@ddriveman, the SP10Mk3 plinth should be a drop in for the SP10R. I ordered my Artisan Fidelity Panzerholtz plinth for a Thalmann-refurbished SP10M3 that was "lost" at the FedEx depot 22 miles from my home in No Cal the day before delivery. This was in June 2020, when shippers were suddenly overwhelmed by the pandemic. I have my suspicions. Anyway, because I bought the Mk3 from someone in Michigan and had it shipped directly to Bill in VA, who then shipped it to me, I never even got to see it. So near but yet so far! With the plinth already being made, I decided to pivot into the R. Luckily, one unit happened to be sitting in the Technics warehouse here in the States. Someone had ordered it and then suddenly backed out, likely because of a change in finances due to Covid. The typical wait had been around 3 months. Chris at AF received it within days from Technics and dropped it into the plinth, QED. Yours should fit no problem, although the grounding-rod arrangement Albert uses might need some relatively minor adjustment.