Is the SACD Format Flawed?

I have just received my new APL 3910 and am loving it already with less than 20 hours on it! As this is a multi format player, I am now looking into SACDs.

There are some in the industry including some respected non mainstream reviewers and people in the industry I respect who say they hear something fundamentally wrong with SACDs and the DSD format. I haven't had enough exposure to come to my own conclusions, but would like to know what others think.
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Showing 2 responses by robm321

If you want the best sound get a TT. If you want variety get redbook. Or get both.

SACD has been out for 6+ years or so and it's still taking up about a 1 foot section at most record stores. Its future is here and it's dismal at best.
I don't think anyone is trying to argue that Redbook is as good as SACD - SACD sounds better no doubt.


Vinyl sounds better than both - (if your wanting the best sound) and between Redbook and Vinyl, pretty much covers all recorded music, so why have an imbetween format that has limited software? Where does it fit? What's it's purpose? I'm not making a point with these questions, I'm actually looking for a good explaination.
