Is the problem end of life or the new processor?

My Classe Cam 350s are starting to have problems. One was running fairly warm & I noticed the Aerial speaker it was powering had a small tear or the glue had failed at the bottom woofer. I disconnected it while to speaker bass driver is being replaced.The other 350 has started to go into protection mode periodically. Is this just end of life at 22 years or something else? The only thing recently new is replacing my pre-pro with a Marantz AV-10. All the cabling seems undamaged.

Happy to receive any thoughts as I try to decide repair vs replace.


Showing 2 responses by jeffbij

Sorry, can't help on a service resource in the Boston area, but I hope it works out well.  It would be a shame if they have to be retired due to repair/refurbish cost.

Let us know how it goes.

I wouldn't write them off just yet.  Have them checked out/evaluated by a compentent repair shop.  It could be something easy and cheap to repair.  They could just need a good deep cleaning. (I'm guessing that they stood on or close to the floor for the majority of their lives.)  Even at 22 years old, if in good running order, they are nice amps. I have a pair of the CAM 200's that I'm in the process of refreshing myself.   Most of the parts are still available from Classe.

Where are you located?  I'm sure that there is someone here that can point you to a good service/repair shop close to you.