IS THE MARTIN LOGAN Renassance 15A worth the $10,000 higher cost than the Expression 13A

Thinking of buying a pair of Martin Logan's electrostatic speakers. I heard the 15A and loved the sound. They are $10,000 a pair more than the 13A. Is the difference worth it? Has anyone ever compared these 2 speakers?

Showing 1 response by minorl

I own the Aurender ACS10 and the Audio Research DAC 9.  I've owned and listened to several music servers  and the Aurender is the best I've heard.  On top of that it is a CD bit perfect ripper also.  Two (2) terrabyte internal hard drives and it streams also.  The DAC 9 is without a doubt the best DAC I've heard.  The DAC 8 is also pretty darn good, but Randy in Santa Monica Optimal Enchantment convinced me to upgrade.  No regrets.

The music is wonderful.

By-the-way, if it is still posted, you might want to consider the Monolith III Speaker. It has new panels (a $3000) value using their new  panel designs (same as the 15), and electronic crossover.  I've heard the Monolith IIIs vs the 15s and I still prefer  the Monolith III.  Last I saw, they were being sold for $7000
