Is The FM tuner obsolete?

I foresee the day that the FM tuner will not be included in product offerings. 

Most radio stations have a streaming service and services like tunein offer this as well and have a much better quality to boot.


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

This is a real hard one as far as longevity. But clearly digital is here… Qobuz and the streaming services offer thousands of stations. With very good quality. You can find some tiny niche of music with dozens of stations dedicated to them. Also, you can get the stations you listen to now. Want Rwandan drum music? Check out all the Rwandan stations.

Good audio quality cost money… the more you can put in a single component the better it sounds. So why invest in a alternative box that can get a few stations when you could invest more in your streamer / digital side and have access to the world… thousands of stations millions of tunes many in high resolution format. I would spend every penny to get this stuff right. It is the future even if a few stations hang on for a couple decades… think of the business case:  a huge tower, power, maintenance, regulation…versus just buy an internet connection.