Is the Accuton driver that good?

It seems a lot of new speakers are using the Accuton or similar ceramic drivers (and I notice the diamond variant for tweeters). I've heard them (mainly in Kharmas), but not others. Evolution, Salk, Avalon, and like I said Kharma use them.
Do they have any particular coloration or quality that is making them gain popularity? In the Kharmas, it was pace and timing and a natural sound without overhang, but it was different than regular (non-metallic) cones & domes, which, fwiw, are less detailed but maybe more relaxing.
It's like for me with the Kharmas "this sounds great and real and not bright or hard either" but somehow it is not as relaxing as the Aerials or Von Schweikerts or Quad dynamics(or even Apogees) I have lived with). I can't put my finger on it.

I'm not sure if it was just the Kharmas or the ceramics in general, but I wanted to raise the question.

Showing 1 response by jmbatkh

I have Selah Tempestas w/ the 2" Accuton dome midrange. In my opinion, it is the most natural, uncolored and detailed midrange I've heard in 42 years in the hobby. Just beautifully clear and natural. It "rings" at 19 khz., and in my speakers that has been very effectively neutralized. I can't speak for the larger mids or woofers. I've heard a 1" tweeter that is very detailed, but perhaps a touch peaky in the speakers heard. As with any driver, the implementation is key, but the drivers themselves have many wonderful qualities.