Is SACD winning over DVD-A?

It seems to me like there are more high-end SACD players and more software. The obvious answere is a universal player but a number of manufactures have gone SACD. I still ask myself if these will both just sit on the sidelines. Most people can't tell the difference between redbook and MP3.. so what chance does either format really have. With DVD-video vs VHS it was something a kid could see.

Showing 1 response by mwp7373

Based on what I've seen in the market, SACD is beginning to significantly outpace DVD-Audio in popularity. To my ears, both formats are essentially equivalent in potential; A poorly engineered SACD recording will sound worse than a well engineered DVD-A disk, and vice versa. If only one format is fated to survive, my money's on SACD prevailing due primarily to the marketing power of Sony and Philips. They pioneered (sorry for the pun) the CD format, and they have that experience to draw upon. Also, Sony has a huge catalog of music software available for conversion/remastering to SACD. Lastly, and most importantly, we're talking folks with deep pockets here (I mean really deep). The biggest potential problem I see on the horizion is that insufficient demand might result in the recording industry eventually abandoning both formats. I think that would be a *&$# shame, so I humbly urge my fellow audio enthusiasts to support the hi-rez digital format of their choice both by buying the stuff and talking it up with people they know. Thanks to all participants, and happy listening.