Is SACD winning over DVD-A?

It seems to me like there are more high-end SACD players and more software. The obvious answere is a universal player but a number of manufactures have gone SACD. I still ask myself if these will both just sit on the sidelines. Most people can't tell the difference between redbook and MP3.. so what chance does either format really have. With DVD-video vs VHS it was something a kid could see.

Showing 3 responses by btrvalik

So maybe to take this to another aspect... is SACD really worth it of 2 channel? I have 2 differnt systems 1 tube base 2 channel... the room will not allow for a proper multi channel. And another set up for HT with a very good 7.1 setup... This fall I will pick up a universal of some sort for the HT room. My problem is that my 2 channel CD player is acting up and driving me crazy. Do I just buy a good redback player or is SACD worth it. Note: I don't upgrade very often but when I do I buy good stuff and keep it for some time. I'm likely to spend 2-3K for a 2 ch player. I was blown away my the MF SACD that I listened to on a really good system. It is still unclear if It was great SACD player I was hearing or was it just a great system (~$50K). Regardless the MF piece is way beyond what I'm willing to spend. I don't really think it is the best out there but I'm currently trying to decided between the Shanling T100 and T200. I can get a demo T100 for $1500 but a T200 will be another $1K. It may not be the *best* sounding but it is fairly good and it is one of the best looking..
When I've done a A/B test of 2 ch SACD vs a good multi channel I did think the multi sounded better.. it was just not memorable. It was a classical recording where they basically just added some hall ambience to the recording. The front sound stang was different... but I'm not sure it was better. I was planning to just wait and see but my dying CD player on my 2 channel system is forcing me to act sooner. I will do a multi channel SACD in my HT room but it will most likely be a changer in order to keep my kids from handling the DVDs. Sony is releasing a 400 disk DVD/SACD in Sept for something like $400 and maybe they will have a ES version but it will be just a mid-fi player at best.
For multi channel the verdict is still out, but for 2 channel I think SACD is winning for me.. I just picked up a few hybrid discs to conduct my search for a SACD player. I'm still trying to decide if SACD is worthwhile for 2 channel over a good redbook player. I will also be doing some type of universal player when my HT room is done in another few months but this is not a system of the same caliber as my tube gear. Since I'm still on the fence, I wanted a disc that I could get really familiar with at home on my current CD player. Since I'll be looking at both CD and SACD I wanted something I could take to the store and listen to in multiple players. Finding the same disc in CD and DVD-A seemed almost impossible. For me the hybrid thing may be the biggest factor. Being able to play music in the car(s), bedroom, etc is also important. Maybe I'm just cheap but I hate having multiple copies of the same disc. I'd rather buy more music.

The other issue I see is I've heard that most DVD-A players need a video monitor to navigate the tracks and perform setup. For setup I can hook up a little display I have but it is not something I want as part of the 2 channel setup.

Over time more and more good multi channel recording will be made but I think 2 channel recordings will outnumber them by a huge ratio. My biggest fear is that the future will be dominated by MP-3..