Is Remote Control Important?

How important is Remote Control to you when selecting components for your system. Do you consider buying products that don't have Remote Control, or only ones that do? If you had the choice of a CD player that was the best sounding, but had no Remote Control capability, would you buy it? Or would you buy the next best thing that had a Remote Control.

One reason why I ask this is, I have a friend who just sold me his entire LP collection because he said that he would never play them again, because he would have to get up off the couch to change records. When this same friend's reciever broke, I offered to loan him one of mine, but he refused because it had no Remote Control, and he would have to get up to change the volume. In his opinion, no music was better than having to get up to change the volume. And no amount of performance would substitute for a Remote Control.

Is this a predominant view in the audiophile world? Is convenience more important than performance?

Showing 2 responses by mattybumpkin

It is a personal preference. I like one, but only for basic features; mute, play, etc. However, I am willing to sacrifice convenience for play quality. I recently did this by going from a 5 CD carousel player to a single disc. So now, instead of having to change CD's once every 5 hours I have to get off the couch every hour. Less convenient yes, but the sound is so much better....

Call it my daily exercise routine.

I would not disagree with your thoughts as convenience to some level is always present (volume control, etc). I would love the George Jetson life. However, I feel it is more of an issue of opportunity cost. What is more important to me, spending time soldering cable and thus enjoying better sound or using that time to play with my kids, read, etc.? For ME, it is usually playing with my kids, etc.

Maybe when they are older, we can solder together.

