Is pre-amp getting killed?

   I'm in the market for the Pre-amp and DAC. I had the PS audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC/Pre-amp combo and I sold that to go separates. I thought of buying PS audio Direct Stream DAC and Audio Research REF 6 Pre-amp. I started doing research and spoke to few dealers. Below are the recommendations I got,

1. Bel Canto EX DAC
2. Simaudio 390 Network Player/DAC

3 dealers I spoke recommended to go with Pre-AMP/DAC/Network player combo instead of separate Pre-amp and DAC. Is pre-amp's are getting killed by the combo? 

Any thoughts?

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Showing 1 response by tomstruck

My experience with using a DAC to drive an amp is this 
had a pair of vandy 2 with a Rogue cronus mag up graded my speakers to Quatros so I had to have a high pass filters put in to my integrated amp so while the guys at Rogue did their thing I borrowed an Aesthetix Atlas and drove it with my Ayer Codex both very respectable components used them with the Quatros sounded excellent then I got my Rogue back hook it up and the sound was astounding the different between the two was absolutely astounding you would had thought I just hook up the Aesthetix it was that different so you are kidding your self thinking that driving an amp with a DAC is the best sound from your amp the Aestheix is a much much better amp but all amps need to be drive with a preamp
my next up grade will be an amp and preamp  

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