Is pre-amp getting killed?

   I'm in the market for the Pre-amp and DAC. I had the PS audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC/Pre-amp combo and I sold that to go separates. I thought of buying PS audio Direct Stream DAC and Audio Research REF 6 Pre-amp. I started doing research and spoke to few dealers. Below are the recommendations I got,

1. Bel Canto EX DAC
2. Simaudio 390 Network Player/DAC

3 dealers I spoke recommended to go with Pre-AMP/DAC/Network player combo instead of separate Pre-amp and DAC. Is pre-amp's are getting killed by the combo? 

Any thoughts?

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Showing 1 response by moto_man

I now now use an MSB Analog DAC with volume control and upgraded MSB power supply instead of my preamp. Sounds fantastic. I would think that “less is more” when it comes to the signal path, so because eliminating the preamp takes more cabling and electronics out, there is less to affect the signal...