Is New Vinyl Exempt from Loudness Wars?

I'm seeing new vinyl sold in many unexpected places these days.  

For those who have bought a lot of new vinyl,  I'm wondering if these tend to be mastered differently from similar newer CD  remasters that often show effects of the "Loudness Wars"?

Is it a mixed bag perhaps?   Much like CDs?

I wonder because if I knew there was a different mastering done for new vinyl I might consider buying some if I knew. 

But new vinyl is expensive and I would not want to get essentially the same end result in regards to sound quality as I would get with CD for much less.

Just wondering.

Showing 3 responses by rauliruegas

and if you analize the RIAA curve you can see that exist a significative compression in the bass frequency range that latter on the phono stage  have to be " restablished " through another RIAA eq. degradation mechanism.

It does not matters what any one name it of course exist that bass compression that as I said the digital alternative has not.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear mapman: Today the best 32/384 digital recordings ( if well recorded. ) playingback with units with 32/384 technology beats the analog experience.

Today we are not on those old times of the CD " terrible sounds ". Digital grow up and still does and the players are improving day by day where the analog experience was not so dynamics in that grow up as digital.

The true analog experienc at home is an expensive alternative on what we need for the LP really can shines: right TT, right cartridge ( more than one. ), right tonearm, right phono stage, right line preamp, etc, etc where that " right " means a expensive and well designed items.

In my case I justify not only the very high analog experience price but the in deep learning knowledge and skills we need to " handle LPs" in the right way because I own over 6K LPs where many of them I can't get it in digital format.

If you don't own a good number of LPs my advise is try to improve your digital alternative and just forget the analog experience.

Analog alternative is full of anomalies and ditortions during playback and many of those anomalies starts in the recording " land ". Only to name one of those anomalies/added distortions exist two heavy equalizations proccess with an LP: RIAA equalization during the whole recording process and the inverse RIAA eq. during playback through the phono stage. In both cases both proccess makes a heavy degradation to the musical signal. These not happens with the digital alternative and many other " things ".

I can tell you that I enjoy the music even in my car audio. Music has no " formats ", is just MUSIC.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear atmasphere: ""  This is absolute nonsense. The RIAA curve has nothing to do with compression.. """"

of course is not the type of digital compression and maybe you are ok with that RIAA curve but if the LP medium is so good why that RIAA curve?, all we know why that kuind of compression in the bass range that you accept it does not means that that severe bass range equalization to lower those frequencies is a compression to me.

That RIAA curve eq. always degrades the original signal but the analog medium has no alternative due to the severe limitation of the LP medium.

I'm ok when you try ( always ) to post that the LP analog experience is superior to the digital one when today it's clear it's not as 20 years ago. As I said digital technology improved " light years "  as never did the LP alternative.

I don't care if you accept it or not the digital alternative but I think that you have not any single " parameter " to always disregard the digital alternative, especially when I post about.

Stay calm, listen, listen, listen and learn as all try to do it each single audio day.

Regards and enjoy the music,