is my system set up correctly?

Hi all-

I have a Creek Evolution 50a and a Creek Evolution 50D cd/Dac.

I recently read this on Creek's website:

"Excellent measured and sonic performance has been achieved with this analogue integrated amp, but when using digital input signals via the matching EVOLUTION 50CD, the analogue pre-amp can be bypassed completely. The EVOLUTION 50CD has a very high-end volume control in the digital domain and ‘Class-A’ balanced audio outputs. Connecting the output directly to the 'Power amp direct' inputs elevates the performance to an even higher level."

I can't figure out what this means! I have a pair of Analysis Plus RCA interconnects running between CD player and amp on line 2. Should I be doing something differently?

Check the manual for verification but I think this integrated has a "direct" input that bypasses the pre-amplifier section/volume control and goes right to the power amp section. Assuming the CD/DAC has a better volume control schema (in the digital domain) then you are bypassing some additional circuitry in the integrated and getting a "purer" signal path to your speakers.

You can try the alternate connection to see if you like it better, however, you MUST enable the volume control in the CD player before changing any connections. See owners manual. Then turn the volume control in CD player down to a minimum. You can now change connections, but when you power up, the VC on the amp will have no effect since it has been bypassed due to the direct input, and volume will be adjusted on the CD player. If you decide this is not better, change connections back to original configuration before you disable the volume control in the CD player.
Hi Margot,

What you are doing is perfectly reasonable. They are saying that since the CD player includes a volume control function, as an alternative you could exclude the preamp section of the 50a integrated amplifier from the signal path when using the CD player, by connecting the output of the CD player directly into the power amp section of the 50a. Apparently the 50a can be set to route whatever is connected to inputs 3 or 4 directly into its power amp section, which would bypass its preamp section and its volume control.

While doing that may indeed "elevate the performance to an even higher level," I suspect that the "elevation" would be minor, if any. If you decide to try it at some point, you would want to consult the manual for the 50a to determine how to set input 3 or 4 to bypass the preamp circuitry. You would also want to be absolutely certain when you initially power up in that configuration that the volume control on the CD player is enabled and turned down low, because the volume control in the 50a would no longer be attenuating the signal.

An experiment you might consider trying in the present configuration, btw, would be comparing various combinations of settings of both volume controls, adjusting for the same overall volume in each case, and noting if any sonic differences are perceivable.

Best regards,
-- Al

Hi Al,

Excellent post, as usual from you. Before my post, I did check the CD players manual, but only looked at the back panel of the amp, saw the "AV Direct" label assuming this already bypassed the amps volume control which is NOT true. As you noted, input 3 or input 4 can be configured for the "direct mode".
You would also want to be absolutely certain when you initially power up in that configuration that the volume control on the CD player is enabled and turned down low, because the volume control in the 50a would no longer be attenuating the signal.
Exactly the point I was trying to convey, that the CD players volume control must be enabled and at a minimum before attempting to use a "direct mode" on the amp.

Also, the amps manual states to use input 4 for this with the CD player, but I could not determine any difference with input 3 other than input 4 having the option for XLR. I'm guessing that is just related to the labeling.
Thanks Tony (Tls49). Consider the compliment reciprocated :-)
Exactly the point I was trying to convey, that the CD players volume control must be enabled and at a minimum before attempting to use a "direct mode" on the amp.
Our posts, as well as Kjweisner's, all went up at about the same time. Great minds think alike :-)
As you noted, input 3 or input 4 can be configured for the "direct mode".
I hadn't found the manual prior to submitting my previous post, but I noted that the description of the 50a referred to 5 unbalanced and 1 balanced preamp inputs, and power amp inputs from the inputs labeled "3" and "4." Since there are a total of 5 unbalanced inputs, labeled 1 through 5, and 1 balanced input (on input 4), it seemed evident that 3 and 4 must be configurable.
Also, the amps manual states to use input 4 for this with the CD player, but I could not determine any difference with input 3 other than input 4 having the option for XLR. I'm guessing that is just related to the labeling.
After looking at the manual, I have no doubt that you are correct. Either 3 or 4 could be used to input the signals from the CD player directly into the power amp section of the 50a, with the only difference being labeling (assuming the RCA input is used in each case).

Margot, another possible experiment you might want to consider doing at some point would be connecting the CD player's balanced XLR outputs to the 50a's XLR connectors on input 4, trying it configured both ways (preamp in and power amp in). (Disconnect the RCA cables when and if you do that, of course). Depending on the specific circuit designs, that could very conceivably make a perceivable (albeit probably minor) sonic difference compared to an unbalanced (RCA) interconnection. Although without being familiar with the specific components it is probably unpredictable as to whether any difference would be for the better or for the worse. A high quality modestly priced XLR interconnect I would recommend is Mogami Gold Studio, available in various lengths here.

Best regards,
-- Al
Aha! I just did it. And I think it does sound a bit more crisp.

Al, I will experiment with xlrs as well.

You guys are the greatest.


"While doing that may indeed "elevate the performance to an even higher level," I suspect that the "elevation" would be minor, if any."

You may be surprised, especially if the preamp section is active. Bypassing a cheap active linestage has the potential to be a big change. I'm assuming the 50a's preamp is active, and not passive like in the 5350. But I could be wrong.