Is my Salesman telling the Truth?

I stopped by my local hifi salon yesterday and my sales guy was blabbing how much cardas sucks and taralabs are so much better. Since the topic of cable preference is a very personal/subjective issue, I decided not to touch it with a 3 meter pole. He then goes on to say that network cables such as Transparent and MIT doesn't do a thing for single wire post speakers (non-biwire). I understand that most sales guys are knowledgeable and would never lie to make a sale (yeah right), but can some one comfirm or explain why this is? Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

Yes he is absolutely telling the truth. Just kidding, although I do own Tara Labs, I would never say brand x sucks. That's total sales bs. If a store rips a product they do not carry I totally disregard any comment. I've even had a high end store tell me one line was garbage and we don't sell garbage. Well six months later they sold garbage. Not all sales people are bullshitters,but just like any other profession, people that do bs seem to get far. I think many people like sunshine blown up their ass. I don't play that, many questions I ask I already know the answer to by doing research. That way I find it easier to identify whether a salesman is knowledgeable or just a bs-er. When it comes to opinion, I'm strong enough to believe my own. I even disagree with the ultimate salesmen who write for magazines on many issues. Hell, it's my money and I'll spend it on what I like. I don't care who approves.