Is my room size going to be a problem for speakers?

A bedroom may become available in our home when one of our sons heads off to college, and I was thinking of claiming it as a listening room. Put my Rega P3 table and just listen to vinyl. For an amp I was thinking the Rega Brio, the Audiolab 6000A or 8300A, or maybe the Schiit Ragnarok. Or the older Luxman R-115 receiver I'm using in the living room.

I've been asking people about speakers, and it's starting to sound that the room size is going to be a problem. It's only 10 feet by 10 feet. I was hoping to avoid doing anything by way of room correction, and just throw in a pair of bookshelf speakers. A used pair of Totem Rainmakers was a thought, or maybe the Q Acoustics Concept 20's or even the new 3030i's. The Buchardt S300's are at the top of the list, as well as price point (about $1200 new). 

So my question concerns whether the room size is just too small. I don't want to overmatch the room with equipment that's too much for it. Should I maybe scrap the plans and use the money for living room upgrades? Or is there a way to make this work without spending too much time and effort preparing the room itself? 

Thanks for any thoughts and suggestions.


Showing 1 response by freediver

PLEASE,that room size can be made into a small oasis!
Small Dynaudio’s or Sonus Fabers driven by tubes & a well treated room will put a smile a mile wide on your face!
 As for time to treat the room a half day & good combination of corner tunes,echo tunes & 2'x4'x2" acoustic panels should put you about 90% of the way to end game acoustics..