Is my room OK for Magneplanar 3.6's

Hi, The room is only 15 x 15 feet with a sloping ceiling from 10 to 15 feet high. If the speakers are 3 feet from the wall, I'm at the vertex of an equilateral triangle with the speakers 6-7 feet from me and about 5-6 feet from each other. Thanks. Laurence

Showing 3 responses by magfan

Square? wrong shape.
I think I made that answer in another LD thread.

Sorry, man, I simply think you've got the wrong room for the right speaker.

You may be able to make MMGs a BUNCH of money and have full upgrade credit for a year, so if you want to than, you can trade UP to the than new 3.7s

I've had panels in as small a room as 100ft/sq and it was miserable. And that was with MG1s.
If you are going to listen 'near field' at low to moderate levels...than skip the big panels and get some MMGs. Same Magnepan sound and presentation....

My listening area is also wacky. 8 walls and a vaulted asymmetrical ceiling.
No 2 walls are the same length. But at least I was able tp get the speakers pretty uniformly into a short wall setup.

Sounds to me like you've already got your mind made up. Any chance in the future of having a larger space available?
That's 3 votes for MMG.

Ld, you are a former timpani owner, eh? Well, you should know you've got your work cut out for you getting large panels into your listening space.

I'd set one panel on side of the listening space. Kind of like HUGE open air headphones. You won't believe what you hear. Detail? yep. Impact at even lower levels? for sure.

Listen in the extreme near-field and you can get away with it....maybe.