Is my cantilever broken?

I may be revealing my ignorance in spades here, but here goes... Just received a Dynavectpr 10x5 .

When I placed it on my GeoDisc for alignment, I noticed that the cantilever gave under the weight of the cartridge, somewhat like the suspension system in a car.

In other words, the cartridge continued to move downwards into the cantilever, causing the angle of the cantilever to increase.

I have never noticed this before, but perhaps because I have never owned a cart with an entirely exposed needle.
Seems normal to me, but it depends how much deflection there actually is. Set it up, play records and you will soon see; if it works well, then all is well

Good luck!
Ditto Jmc above. Some displacement is normal as the proper VTF aligns the coil to the magnets on the susupension, which will vary depending on the compliance and the design. It is very important at the outset to ensure you at least set the VTF in the middle of the range set by the manufacturer. Do you have a gauge?
HI. Thanks for your responses; yes, I have a gauge, and am using the cart at the manufacturer's recommended force.

The cartridge sounds great, but it seems that it is at a very low angle in reference to the cartridge body.

It appears that lowering the cart onto a disc changes the VTA substantially, although the sound of my records is not exhibiting symptoms of too much or little VTA.

The result is that the undercarriage rides very close to the record which, in part, is a function of the design, but after the suspensions adjustment, gets very, very close to dragging along the record.

I guess the most succinct question is whether substantial, visible movement of the cartridge body pivoting onto the resting cantilever as the suspension adjusts is normal, and to what degree?
... also, does a suspension become more or less pliable as it ages. In other words, is this a sign of a worn suspension or a fresh one. (bought the car on ebay- advertised as low hours- it looks new by the way).
Yes the suspension ages, but that takes years. In connection with the underside of the cart leaving precious little space to the record's surface, I have the same concern with my Kontrapunkt B that rides very very low to the record. As long as it clears, I can't see a problem. I my case, there is a problem, however, with records that have edge warp since the oscillation makes the movement of the cantilever a bit too radical for my taste and the underside of the cart can contact the record. Seems to me that designers of these things wrongly assume that LPs are properly pressed and pretty close in thickness and flatness when they are not.

Don't drive yourself crazy, unless that is your avocation any way.