
Responses from zeluiz22

Is my cantilever broken?
Thanks, all. So, Thom - does a decrease in compliance cause more or less movement of the cantilever? It seems to me that "stiffness" would create less shock resistance, more rigidity and therefore less movement. So, what appears to be a soft suspe... 
Is my cantilever broken?
... also, does a suspension become more or less pliable as it ages. In other words, is this a sign of a worn suspension or a fresh one. (bought the car on ebay- advertised as low hours- it looks new by the way). 
Is my cantilever broken?
HI. Thanks for your responses; yes, I have a gauge, and am using the cart at the manufacturer's recommended force. The cartridge sounds great, but it seems that it is at a very low angle in reference to the cartridge body. It appears that lowering...