Is Jim Smith's Book"Get Better Sound"Best Book ?

Recently, I sent for a copy of Jim Smith's book " Get Better Sound" @48.50 delivered. Since I started reading Jim's viewpoint I have made significant improvements to my listening room. What about you ? For those that have read the book , please express your viewpoint pro or con.

Showing 1 response by swann36

I've just discovered Jim's book and started reading it along with watching his DVD's .... over 5 hours, currently they are on a "sale package" all for a price that is much less that fumbling about myself in trying to get some better sound and even with the postage & import duty to here in the UK a bargain price ...I've spent more on 1 record so as i start my journey following Jim's learned advice i'm nothing but excited to put it into action and so far at least as far as value for money is concerned the price of admission has been more than worth it ..