Is it the tube pre or the rca/xlr adapter?

HELP! I've recently added a vk-50se, only my second tube component I have ever owned, and a Classe CA301 to my system. Speakers are Aerial 10T's. I am feeding the signal from my 834P with XLO single ended cables plugging into rca/xlr adapters at the pre. It seems that I have lost some details in the music that were there with my old Rotel pre with the same phono setup. BTW, I really like what the bat did for the sound of CDs, but I would prefer to improve the sound from my LPs.

I have tried moving the pre-amp to its own spiked amp stand and it did not make much difference.

I am guessing there is about 100 hrs. on the bat based on what the previous owner told me and the hours I have put on it. The 301 has about 70 hrs on it.

Do you guys with more experience think that it could be the rca/xlr adapters holding the signal back or do things need to burn in some more or do I need to play with placement, etc?



Showing 2 responses by marakanetz

Is there bypass input in your preamp?
I'd recommend to use no preamp in your case. EAR834P has a volume controll so why'd you need another one?
If you talk to BAT, Viktor may implement for you an upgrade for having pass-through (passive) input.
Transfering from unbalanced to balanced often reduces nearly the normal input impedance of the next component hence the cut-off of the high freequencies may take place especially having in mind already high output impedance of EAR phonostage.