Al, I have a ground loop buzz I cannot get gid off and it is driving me out of my mind. I have tried everything. Cheaper plugs, changing IC's, isolating cables etc. My IC's are shielded .
I changed speakers and nothing else, but now a ground loop issue? Very strange. My old speakers were Soundlabs and they plugged into the wall. System was dead quiet through the speakers. My new speakers don't plug into the wall as they are not esl's. Nola Viper Reference.
With my amp only in the system and all other gear out, except speakers, the noise is gone. The cd plays no roll as I have removed it and still have the noise. When my pre is turned on - boom now the buzz. Problem is the same noise is their with my active pre or my passive pre. My passive does have an AC plug as it is the Lightspeed. My amp is the Aesthetix Atlas and my full time pre is the TRL Dude.
I don't know what to do and was thinking about trying xlr cables into the amp, thus my post above. Well it seems impossible to cure this issue. My home is new. I have 2 direct 20 amp lines for my stereo. All gear is plugged into the wall. No conditioners.
The noise is always a little louder out of one speaker. Volume plays no role.