Is it save to convert XLR to RCA?

Dear Audio Gurus,

I have a Harman Kardon HD990 player, which has two outputs: RCA and XLR. I'd like to use them both. However, my amps and pre-amps all take RCA. I know of XLR-to-RCA cables. But the HD990 specs mention that RCS is a 2V output whereas XLR is 4V. Am I going to damage my amps and pre-amps by trying this?


Showing 12 responses by grannyring

I tried that and no help. I have sub on the second outputs of my preamp. When I remove the sub from the system, still the same buzz.

I wonder if that shorting jumper will work? Nothing in the manual. This Jensen transformer is said to help eliminate this sort of thing? My amp may also sound better thru the xlr input?
Ok, I have a question. I want to use an xlr cable from my pre to amp. My pre is only RCA out. I want to purchase this Jensen transformer mentioned above and am not sure what to buy and if it will work? I assume they make one that accepts RCA from the pre and then use xlr from the Jensen out to my amp xlr? I did not see a pic of a Jensen unit so equipped?

Am I thinking right?

Al, I have a ground loop buzz I cannot get gid off and it is driving me out of my mind. I have tried everything. Cheaper plugs, changing IC's, isolating cables etc. My IC's are shielded .

I changed speakers and nothing else, but now a ground loop issue? Very strange. My old speakers were Soundlabs and they plugged into the wall. System was dead quiet through the speakers. My new speakers don't plug into the wall as they are not esl's. Nola Viper Reference.

With my amp only in the system and all other gear out, except speakers, the noise is gone. The cd plays no roll as I have removed it and still have the noise. When my pre is turned on - boom now the buzz. Problem is the same noise is their with my active pre or my passive pre. My passive does have an AC plug as it is the Lightspeed. My amp is the Aesthetix Atlas and my full time pre is the TRL Dude.

I don't know what to do and was thinking about trying xlr cables into the amp, thus my post above. Well it seems impossible to cure this issue. My home is new. I have 2 direct 20 amp lines for my stereo. All gear is plugged into the wall. No conditioners.

The noise is always a little louder out of one speaker. Volume plays no role.

I shorted pins 1 and 3 and still the same old buzz. I appreciate your help on this Al.
Well I once again removed all from the amp except the speakers. Turned the amp on and no buzz. I do get some tube rush from the tweeter in one speaker, but that must be my input tube in that channel. Just a tube hiss, not a buzz through the highs and lows.

Step by step one thing remains the same.... As soon as I use any sort of preamp the buzz comes. I switched out my ic's and still the buzz. I used different power cords and still the buzz. I used cheaters on both, one and still the buzz.

I will check correct polarity from the outlet today.
Yes Sam. Chasing a buzz.

The preamp need only be in the system and not turned on. Just the ic's hooked up to it.

I ran a wire from the chassis of the pre to the chassis of the amp and still a buzz.
My experience with hooking up ic's to an amp and leaving them open on the other end is a very loud and seemingly dangerous noise through the speakers. I don't think I will try that.... Right Al?
Ok , here is what I found. With the ic's connected to the direct inputs (RCA) on the amp no matter which input I chose on the selector the buzz was there. Did not matter as long as the ic's were connected.

When I connected the ic's into the crossover RCA inputs on the amp the noise was there wether I selected the RCA or XLR inputs on the crossover inputs. But with the ic's still connected to the crossover RCA inputs and selecting the direct RCA or xlr selection on the display the buzz went away.

Ok, I have no idea what that means. But this next thing is very strange. As I changed out IC's (I use the same brand -two sets of Fusion Audio Romance and even trying a set of Radio Shack ic's) as I change them in and out and back and forth from cd player back to amp etc the buzz would change from one speaker then to both etc.... All the ic's caused a buzz, but turning off the system and placing them in different positions changed the volume and channel of the buzz. Nothing consistent in terms of each ic, but always a change.

Now I have the same 2 sets of ic's back into the system and both channels now buzz at the same level. One channel is no longer louder then the other. That is most strange and I am ready to jump on my crazy system.....

It stays the same if all I do is turn off the amp and then turn back on. I may bring another speaker down to test as the problem only surfaced when a new speaker came into the system. Could it be a speaker issue? I know it is passive, but.....
The buzz was an issue in my amp which is balanced and my Dude preamp is single ended. I purchased a Jensen input transformer and placed it between my pre and amp. Dead quiet now.

Lissnr. Great!!! You will love the Dude. My Dude is just like yours.