is it sacrilege?

My wife wants to put a staue on each of my audio physic tempo floorstanders. They are on spikes.
Should it be O.K.? They actually look kinda nice though I hate to admit it.

Showing 3 responses by lakefrontroad

I believe that it depends entirely as to what the statues are depictions of!

Yes, think this through...

Everything has possibilities.
I've learned something new again. Thanks Shadorne. I never knew that women had territory. It must be a sign of the 21st century.

Live and learn.

Next thing they'll have thingies and we'll call them men.
Old fashion theory must have been sacrilege to own a good wife and have good speakers.

Modern theory I believe is it is a sacrilege to have a good time, good speakers, good toys, and you should certainly have a wife. Good!