Is it possible to have Good Imaging close to wall

I keep looking for the best speakers to stand flush against the front wall and end up looking at the usual suspects: North Creek Kitty Kat Revelators, Allisons (now old), Von Schweikert VR-35, NHT Classic 4s, Audio Note AN/K, and other sealed or front ported speakers. But I have never understood how, even though the bass is controlled, they can defy the law of physics and image as well as, say, my great actually owned other speakers, Joseph Audio Pulsars, far out in the room? Is it physically possible for these flush mounted speakers to image as well?

Showing 12 responses by bo1972

To create a deep and wide stage and an intimate stage. Is not that difficult anymore as in the past. These days with less money it can be achieved.

When people still buy those speakers which cannot give depth and are average in imaging. You never will achieve a good endresult. It doesn't matter what amp, source and cables you will buy.

What's not there, stays what it is!
I have the Monitor Audio PL-200 loudspeakers. I bought them also because they are developed to be used close to the wall.

When you use an amp which can give a wide and deep stage. You get an extreme holographic and physical stage. In their price range I do not know what can give such a huge stage.

The ribbon tweeter makes the stage even bigger. Even near the wall you get easilly 4-5 metres of depth. The crossovers are stunning so you even can play 2 metres beside the speakers. Depends of the source and amp you use.

Stillpoints will make your stage also bigger. Also can be used on speakers.
It is not only the harsh sound. The mid freq. are not that natural and realistic. With classical music a violin sounded a lot different than in real.

Mannnnn it is ugly as hell. I think some people will like the looks. Most I know as me find it very ugly.

3 dimensional sound is something you can teach people very easilly. After that you can make them understand why it is more involving and more fun to listen at.

I cannot imagine stereo and Multi channel without 3 dimensional sound. Without it, I would stop working. And look for something else. That is why I don't understand people who still sell 2 dimensional standard audio.
Here in the Nethelands people in audio Always find the demos with MBL Omnis one of the worst of the whole show.

Often it sounds harsh. It does not come even close to the 3 Dimensional stage I can create. People from the business and many audio lovers overhere even don't take it serious.

I create a 3 dimensional stage created for a big part by the crossovers. I also prefer a ribbon tweeter for over any dometweeter. Because it gives me more decay and a larger and wider stage.

There is another difference; When I compare a Monitor Audio Platinum loudspeaker with the C series from Dynaudio for example; the Platinum can image the stage a lot sharper and touchable.

A ribbontweeter also makes the stage infront of the speaker bigger.

In 16 years of time I tested many amps. depth is a very important part I test. That is why my interests are only in amps which can build a wide and deep stage.

When clients want to buy a 2 dimensional brand. I will tell hi or she that he or she limits him or her self in sound quality. But when he or she still wants to buy, it is fine with me.
"We all know that this expansion of the soundstage is lost when the speakers are too close to the side walls"

In what kind of world do you people life? I create lost of depth with all speakers I use. Even when they are closed to the wall.
I am not loyal to any brand. Time and technique go on. After time it can and will change. I am Always looking for those tools which excel and give me the properties I want.

I want a deep and wide stage. But within this stage instruments and voices need to be intimate and relistic. Because in this part many sets project instruments and voices too big. At shows it is a mistake you often hear.

The best cables can give you a more holographic image of instruments. You want them round. Many highend systems have depth and wide. But I often miss the extreme sharp image of instruments and voices as in real. When I was listening at the concertroom of my friend, they most exiting part was the voice. I loved the intimate sound of a female voice in real. This made me want this intimate feeling in my system and other systems.

Blacks give you a feeling like singers and instruments are really there.

Speakers are very important, but you need to know were they capable of. Often people only get a few properties out of their speaker.

Imaging is also created by amps, sources and cables for a big part.

Last week I became dealer of stillpoints. These increase also the stage width and depth. They bring imaging to an even higher level. Soon I will write a review about it.
You give a good example how difficult audio can be. After 16 years I know that most people in audio are not able to get a stunning and convincing sound out of a system.

Often at shows as in many shops I can hear the limitations in sets. Often it is incomplete. But there are also many brands who do not have the properties ( qualities) to create an image with depth.

2 years ago there was a Naim system with speakers of about 50.000 dollar. It gave a full 2 dimensional image with a voice of about 2,5 metres. At those moments I get very irritated, because this has nothing to do with quality and a realistic image. You must be blind ( deaf) or a big F....idiot to spend this kind of money to a 2 dimensional image.

When I asked a few simple questions about stage and depth, they could not even answer it. Those people sell audio.
In my personal view you only can achieve a stunning 3 dimensional image if you are able to get all the properties out of a speaker who owns the properties to build a deep and wide stage.

Most speakers use average or poor crossovers. They are not even able to give a lot of depth and with.

Same thing about the cabinet and speaker units. They need to be exeptional to give you a 3 dimensional image

Those speakers who can give a wide and deep stage need amps and sources who also can do this at an exeptional level.

When you compare and test different amps you will realize that most will not give you a deep and wide stage.
Even when the speakers are capable, sources and amps can easilly change the image from 3 dimensional to 2 dimensional.

Last year I asked many people at a show who had an audio shop if they knew which of their brands can give a 3 dimensional image. Many did not know. They asked me how I created it.

They do not understand the properties of the products they sell. I was thinking; how the F.. do you sell audio?

I need the best cables to bring in the blacks for a stunning physical image. I use silver for their extra resolution and decay. And the extra air around voices and instruments.

A stunning image only can be created by using speakers, amps, sources, conditioners and cables togheter to the max. All properties need to be there for the absolute sound!
Perfect sound does not exist yet. Many demos at shows are not that good. Even those who made it are often not able to give a good or stunning demo.

At the end of every show the most demos were not that good. Those people come back next year. You keep a big % average or even poor level of audio equipment.

You have a lot more average imaging speakers than exeptional good imaging speakers. People still buy these average speakers.

Many customers are not good adviced in audio in general. Most will not have a stunning sound. It is that simple. At the end this is the truth!

People with less
When I was called the absolute sound of last year. One of the main reason was that I did use Audyssey Pro ( my way) Without it I would never had such a balanced and physical 3 dimensional stage.

The rooms are not that good at shows. The system solved a lot of the limitations overthere. It gives you an advantage.

I also demoed the roomcorrection on and off. The faces of people said everything. People were amazed by the difference. I also demoed Audyssey EQ and Volume on and off. This is the best way of letting people hear what it is and what it does. Hearing is believing.
In my experience speakers with a faster response have less acoustic limitations compared to those who are slower.

I owned both the B&W 802N and later the B&W 800 Signature. The last one is bigger and goes deeper. But I had less acoustic problems with the 800S. It was with the same amp, source, conditioner and cables.
In the last 2 years there were only bad demos with different horn loudspeakers in the Netherlands during shows.

The rooms are not that good. But I still think that the knowledge of the people who sell it is not good enough.

Often they are not music lovers. The music they use is not the music they love. But they use it because they think it gives them a good demo.

At shows there need to be more told about music and artists. I want live music and I want to talk about it.