Is it possible to bring your kids into this hobby?

Join us tonight at 7 pm for our Listen Up Audio show to discuss equipment topics including sample low cost starter systems. We’ll also touch on speaker crossover basics and a trivia question around a popular 1970s speaker.

CROSSOVER?, Your kids will be running the other way.. CROSSOVER?

Start off your will by saying "No listen, no Dough" :-)

Explain the more they like it, the more of YOUR stuff they will get.
It’s better to learn about the best, to get the most, from Dad/Mom.

Appeal to their greed. Usually works to get them started. LOL
ALL mine love music. NOW, the degree, that depends.

I been a Dad a long time.. Dancing, singing, music. Make it fun..

The only crossover discussion at my house is the part about square dancing, do-si-do!

OLAY! Hat on the floor.. As I slowly walk around the hat to the beat of the music, my faithful K-9 follows.

Tap tap Samba..and then Cha Cha Cha, Amego..

Build something, don't buy something.  Spend a weekend putting together a kit with your kids. :)
I kinda have my doubts, as they think music mainly comes from phones and someone named Alexa.

My youngest showed a little interest, so over the course of some birthdays, Christmas, and just cleaning out my  extra stuff, I've given her a pair of Paradigm bookshelf speakers (not the Atoms-- slightly  larger and not of Canadian Mfg.), Pangea stands, and a Yamaha receiver.  

She got her own cabinet. 

If she gets a turntable, I have a spare Parasound ZPhono.

She does listen to it a lot, as she is working from home, and pretty diligent about actually sitting in place and getting stuff done. 

Being a millenial, of course she has mastered how to get her phone to play through it.

We'll see. You can teach a person to fish, but they ultimately have to like fishing.