Is it possible to be an audiophile and be happy with what you have

It seems like audiophiles are always looking to upgrade. From something as minor as a fuse to upgrading all their components. Music lovers on the other hand seem content with what equipment they have and just want to experience new music. So I ask you, can a audiophile just be happy with what they have? Or is that just not possible being an audiophile?


Showing 1 response by ejr1953

After a four-year process of upgrades, a process which started out fairly slowly, last year reached "fever pitch", I am just about "done" with upgrades for now.  As I learn more about room conditioning, I'll be installing some more bass traps, but I think (for now) I'm done with equipment upgrades.

I know that sounds strange to some of my audio buddies, the word "done", but I'm really happy with the performance of my system and until I get the hots to make changes (which is not at all likely, at least in the near future), I'll sit back and enjoy the beautiful sounds I've created!