Is it me or new audio gear is too perfect and give ear fatigue?

Since getting back into the hobby during covid I’ve really enjoyed listening to music vs. bluetooth low quality speakers.  Since listening to my Nautilus 803 speakers with old Yamaha Amps (MX1, MX1000) they’ve been sweet sounding and warm.

A lot of people have said the new equipment is near perfect chasing specs, sounding bright and causing ear fatigue.

Curious if people feel the same?


Showing 1 response by curiousjim

My limited experience tells me that most speakers with medal tweeters sound bright.  Adding a bright DAC and a bright amplifier is looking for trouble. Last year, I went from a tube preamp and tube amps to an all solid state integrated.  Oh boy what a difference!!

I would strongly suggest you go with separates and either the preamp or the amp be tube.  It will really cut down on your ear fatigue.

All the best.