Is it important to long demo or own HIGH END gear to have a fair accurate view about it?

I have heard a lot of opinions about high end gear on the forums but a lot of it comes from folks that don’t own it. They bash it because of the price. Which I understand on one end but many don’t own, haven’t long demoed or even heard a lot of higher end gear thoughts? Please no personal bashing just your opinion? 


Showing 1 response by cdc

Is it important to long demo or own HIGH END gear to have a fair accurate view about it?

All other variables being the same, not necessarily. IMHO, long term is more about deciding on preferences, not figuring out how something sounds. Sometimes you just have to make your best guess, put down your money, and live with it for a while before your know if you prefer it or not.

So many times I have bought something, decided on the sound and put it away. Then I will doubt myself, get it out months later, and yes, it still sounds like I remember.

As one audiophile's wife said "They all sound good, just pick one".