Is it even possible to set up a system in 12x12 room?

I am moving next week and there is an extra room that is 12x12 with 9 foot ceiling. This will not be my main system but I have an extra gear I would like to use. I have never set up a system in a square room and definitely not this small of a room. I have a couple pair of 8 ohm 87 db monitors that go down around 40 to 50hz and a pair of 6 ohm 87db floorstanders that go to 27hz with ports in the front. I have a el84 tube amp that is 25 watts and a 150 watt solid state amp with a tube Preamp. The couch will have to go directly on back wall and may be able to pull speakers 2 to 3 feet off front wall and maybe a foot or so off side walls. Is there anyway to make this enjoyable to listen too? I know I'm going to have to treat room but where would panels perform best or am I wasting my time?

Showing 6 responses by paulcreed

My biggest concern is couch directly on back wall, I would think I need to pull it out into the room, am I wrong? Problem is there's not much room to pull couch into. I'm very glad to hear many have success in smaller than average rooms, I do feel better knowing that. This system was in bigger room and speakers disappeared. if I place myself near field will I hear music coming from speaker or will they disappear. When I place myself near field with this system in bigger room I hear the speaker, there is still imaging but not the same type of sound stage.

Went by new house yesterday and looked at 12x12 room, damn it's small. I have some room treatment from long ago in a box somewhere, can't remember brand. It's not rigged, it is covered in material with reflective on one side and non reflective on other side with some type of batting inside. It has 4 triangle corner traps, 4 4'x1' corner traps and 4 2'x2' panels, never really used them so don't know if they are any good. I have some Corning 703 DIY panels but they will be used in other system so I'm going to make some more. Has anyone ever found a place to buy 703 local, shipping on it is as much as the panels themselves. Does anyone have an idea of how many panels I will need in a room this size. This may sound crazy but I was going to put a leather couch in there but is that reflective also would I be better off with a chair also taking up less air space. I know this is going to be trial and error but I'm guessing this is going to be harder than a normal size room am I correct.

No this is a dedicated room, no tv but may put one on later. There will be a lot of gear going between speakers. 2 amps, preamp, CD player and power supply, Linn turntable on wall shelf with power supply, phono preamp, 2 power conditioner one rack mount and one behind rack. Also a tube amp when I want to swap out. Before I used 3 maple 3 foot racks with 3 shelves each, so between speakers it's full but I had more room since  speakers were father apart. I have a couple amp stands I could use to keep things low and get rid of one of the little racks. Dave I noticed you have well tempered arm on your Linn how do you like it. I had a Naim aro but regretfully sold it, I'm now using a ittok 3 and hot rodded audioquest PT 9. Were you able to mount and set up WT arm yourself or did you have to send it off?
Thanks everyone for there support, I thought I was an odd ball with such a small room, looks like I was totally wrong. Looks like many have had great results with a small room. I am going to set up everything this weekend and see what happens, I'm going to break down some of the racks and use the maple shelves on the floor to keep things low if I can. I have some spikes and old Nordost pulsar and Quasar footers to use on carpet over concrete floors if I can. I also looked at GIK panels not bad prices either just need to figure out how many and where to place them. Soon as I get things up and running I'll report back.
I was too lazy to break down racks to try to go low for now. I  lined all 3 racks together and have no extreme experimenting  yet with speaker placement. I have only tried floorstander which I put front baffle 3 1/2 feet off wall and rear is 2 feet off wall, with side of speaker 1 1/2 feet off side wall. The crossover is external so that was a little tricky with the bend of speaker wire but it worked. I have no room treatment yet. Couch is up against wall for now. After all I have read over the years how bad a square room and chair up against wall is I was very surprised how good it sounded. Speakers totally disappeared, that was big concern. I wanted to try the most bass dominate recordings I could think of so I put on Herbie Hancock Head hunter and Allison Krauss/Robert Plant Rasing Sand first. The bass is fairly tight but there can definitely some boominess with the bass but it's not bad at all. I did not find it to be overly bright which was a little shocking, I think the copper foil Jupiter and Miflex in Preamp and speakers may have helped. I was very happy with highs very airy and detailed with out being fatiguing in the slightest.  I do have rear firing tweeters, I did notice it was very sensitive when turning the dial vs the previous room. I'm going to call GIK this week and now figure out how to tighten bass and achieve a little more tone. I'm now going to put a little time in with speaker placement, room treatment and getting as much gear lower on the floor and see what happens.

I'll try 1/3, never tried a laser, that's a good idea. I have no idea just eye balled it. When I get time I'm going to start walking speakers around. I did notice soundstage is not as locked in and confused compared to last room, would like to fix that. Is room treatment more crucial in a small room, I've never spent much time and money on room treatment, maybe I should. Do most toe in or out, I found towed almost facing straight sounded natural but that's how I have always towed speakers. I haven't spent any time with this room or placement.