Is it cabin fever or what???

Am I mistaken, or lately I see a lot of posts that seemingly are only started for the wrong reasons? They seem incredibly antagonistic, basically just being thrown out to garner a reaction. Somewhat like yelling "FIRE" in a movie theater. I try to refrain from such ridiculous threads, but they sure seem to draw a lot of responses. Some of these threads have been the most flat boring reading I have seen on this site. And the other reaction I have is, "Who cares?". Even if these people did believe what they are saying, the only reactions they engender are anger or boredom. Does anyone else share my opinions?

Showing 1 response by frogman

I too am new to the site (less than a year) but while I acknowledge that some threads are less than stimulating it is inevitable. I haven't read too many that I sensed have been started simply for effect. I believe most of the posters are sincere if perhaps somewhat misguided sometimes. This hobby of ours and particularly the end of the means engenders passionate reactions in most of us. I have seen more insincere posts about gear than I have about music and as long as it stays that way I won't worry too much. This forum can be a great place to learn about the depth of music and the means to that end. Good , lively discussion; bring it on. As for the clowns: "who cares"; the AudiogoN world is not coming to an end nor will it be in a state of decline as a result of the few. Happy listening. By the way, to anyone who hasn't already, check out the Joe Henderson Big Band CD. Smoking!