Is it alright to bi-amp with 2 different B&K amps?

I currently own some Paradigm Studio 60v.2 speakers and a B&K ST-140 (105wpc) amp and still want something to drive the speakers better. I was considering the B&K 202+ which is 200wpc for the woofers and then the ST-140 for the tweeters. How do you think this will work? or should I try to get an identical amp for bi-amping?
In my opinion, you'd be MUCH better of selling both amplifiers and the preamplifier, and then buy the very best solid-state integrated for which you can justify the cost...

What si your source? If you are a one source guy (like me), then you can forget the integrated, and track down a Boulder 102ae... Even if your source doesn't have a variable output, you can run it through a GoldPoint attenuator before the Boulder. If you're a multiple source guy, then I'd go for something like a Bryston integrated.
If they are from the same series / era of production, you won't have any problems. They are near identical designs with one just having higher rail voltages and more current with the associated increase in output devices necessary to pass the higher amount of power. Just bare in mind that B&K has had gobs of production changes in the last twenty years and the amps could have completely different output devices in them with the associated changes in support circuitry. If in doubt, contact Jerry at B&K in their tech support department. Great guy and very down to Earth. If need be, you can even send your amps in and B&K will set them up for identical operation ( short of power output ). Sean
Just my .02 cents, but I have found that 2 identical amplifiers are the only way to accomplish this successfully. There are very few exceptions. The two most important things in my opinion are rise time and input sensitivity. It is possible to compensate for differences in input sens. by attenuating one of the amplifiers, but rise times (and input impedances) are a whole different animal. A crude analogy would be using a seperate car engine to drive each axle. One engine is a four cylinder engine, the other the same engine but with a turbo. The engine speed will not rise and fall at the same speed, creating an anomoly. The human ear is extremely sensitive to the timing of sound - having identical amplifiers delivers a coherent signal. I have heard systems where people used tubes on tweeters and solid state on woofers, and in my opinion it fails to be cohesive. One of the few exceptions to this would be to use a McCormack dna .5 deluxe on the top end, and a standard dna .5 on the bottom, as these amplifiers have identical input specs. I may be overtly picky about this, and if you were really interested in trying the bi-amp contact B&K and get the specs for input sens. and input impedance. If they match, go for it.