Is it all in my head??

So I bought a Kimber Power Kord...  yeah, yeah, but it looks prettier than stock, is well built, and having built all my cables myself I appreciated the craftsmanship., I'm playing an Everest LP--symphony stuff.. and it always sounded noisy and muffled (which is why i decided to give it a spin).  The power cable is plugged into my furman conditioner, and all the other cables are the same.  I swear this LP sounds more "untangled" now (that's the best way i can describe it).

I am an engineer and know intellectually this makes zero sense--is it some confirmation bias?  How can it be.. i didnt buy it expecting a sonic impact, i bought it because i couldn't make one that looks as cool (think of it as a necklace for my rig).  But I swear I think i hear a difference...  tell me it's all in my head.

Showing 4 responses by mrdecibel

I am not surprised, roberjerman, a well known power cord troll ( he trolls on other things as well ), has shown up. Give this thread some time, and I assure you, others will follow, as he has plenty of company. To not trust your ears, is something I am always amused at. Why are folks in audio land spending money on better amplifiers, better speakers, room acoustics tweaks, etc., and so closed minded to other things audio. Why are so many of these trolls not willing to try some power cords ( they are inexpensive enough ). My guesses are, they know their hearing is bad ( from being in bands, etc. ); do not want to find out, or admit, their hearing is bad; their equipment is old and do not have iec inlets; to hear some of these changes and differences, they have an  " acute " shortage of experience in listening for fine details; the system they have does not have high enough definition or detail. Some of them, as above, have many systems set up throughout their home, and none of them are high definition. Who knows ? Trolling will never stop, because, and this was stated from another power cord thread, " it goes much deeper than the cords themselves ". Keep in mind, I not looking to gain any popularity contests with these trolls. I just call them as I see them. Enjoy ! MrD.
When a naysayer ( and I am being gentle here ) " suggests "and " implies ", over and over and over again, that those who do ( myself included ) hear differences in power cables, might be imagining it, I simply have to laugh. It has become a joke at this point. There is some kind of emotional high that they are needing to feed. They cannot accept a very simple fact. For some reason ( s ), they are not hearing it or unable to hear it. I admire those who have tried to listen, but do not hear it, until, they make claims that it is an imaginary hocus pocus for us who do. And the worst of them, are the ones who never try, and call hocus pocus. These threads have become comedic entertainment for me, and I no longer see any of this as serious exchanges of words or ideas. Let the psychobabble continue. Enjoy ! MrD.
Elizabeth, it is easier to simply ignore the naysayers. I enjoy your posts, and so much appreciate your enthusiasm as a music listener. You, I and others are enjoying our money spent with after market power cords ( I still enjoy building them ), and you, I and others know what we are hearing. This is no different than hearing the difference between 2 different tubes. I wonder what would happen if these same naysayers went on a tube thread ( of which there are many ) and ranted that the differences heard between 2 tubes ( in the same circuit, of course ), might actually be in the imagination of the listeners. I really do not know why these naysayers keep at it, or why these differences we hear exist ( electrically or mechanically speaking ). I had my 1st system before some of these naysayers were born. I developed a love for this hobby. I placed myself in the business because I loved it. I trained my ears, and brain, to listen to the plethora of gear available, and to decipher various aspects of recorded music reproduction. I was a singer in a short lived band, and spent many years in a chorus. This, too, was a great learning experience, as it helped me ( in my teens and early twenties ) with the greater understanding of imaging, spatiality, depth, and the recreation of soundstage. It is when I knew, " dynamics ", was an area of sound reproduction that mattered a great deal to me. So, I have owned horns for over 40 years ( and oh, so much more ). My point ? They can say all they want about our imaginations. I will ignore them, their ignorance, and their fallibility when it comes to high end audio. Enjoy ! MrD.
Thank you guys. " But sometimes the information they provide is presented as fact ". Yes, they present it, but they are not proving it. They are the ones looking for proof, for reasoning, for scientific data, as to why we are claiming sonic differences. Fact ! I know what my ears / brain tell me. Lizzy, Geoff, myself and others, will not be fooled into the " could I be imagining it " camp. Which is a point I made. Ignore them, because, they will continue with their pursuit. They question our hearing ? How about our taste buds. Vodka ( my go to ), each brand having a distinct taste. Is this, the fact I can taste the differences between Absolute, Grey Goose, Tito's, Smirnoff, etc. real, or my imagination. Now, in reality, I can probably be fooled into mistaking 1 brand for another. Sight, smell, taste, touch, hear. Hearing, is definitely my strongest and most developed sense. Enjoy ! MrD.