Is it a OK to leave tube pre-amps powede up 24/7

I’m relatively new to tubes in my hifi setup. Recently went from SS pre to tube ARC pre-amp and a Croft phono stage.

I have always kept all of my SS gear powered up 24/7(and still do), but I shut down my pre-amp and phono stage now after I am done listening for the day. I power them up at least a half of an hour before I put anything into play.

I would prefer to leave my tube gear on all the time, but am concerned about premature tube wear.

What would the tube folk here think about 24/7?


Showing 1 response by fineito

My friend, an audio manufacturer, keeps his tubed DAC and tubed pre-amp on 24/7 during non-summer months, unless he knows he will be away from his house for a stretch.  He is a proponent of 24/7, and says the power surge upon turn-on is harder on the tubes than 24/7 usage.

Assuming one listens to his or her stereo predominately on weekends, an alternative is to power up the non-power amp components on a Friday evening, and shut them down on Sunday night after all listening is completed.