Is Hales finished for Good?

I knew Wadia and Hales were in trouble but it was my understanding at least Hales was predicted to survive.I went into Soundworks in Roch.NY today and I was told they both were bankrupt/dead.I was told many customers were waiting on Rev.3's and may have trouble getting their money back from Hales/Wadia as many prepaid for speakers etc. but the cash was tied up.Anytruth to all this?

Showing 2 responses by lakerat2124

Paul has taken a job with a professional sound company to design a line of speakers for them. I didn't bother to take the name down. He has a big salary, big budget and can hire whoever he wants. All this means, although proably saddened by the fall of HDG, Paul is more than likely hiring up his talented people and off to greener pastures. Of course there is always a chance another company or a group of investors could come in and buy up the name. I hope this happens, but with Paul gone; chances are not as good. Sorry for the bad news....LR
Sorry I forgot to comment on Wadia. There is an effort to bring back Wadia. At this time this looks like it will happen. Sadly this effort doesn't effect Hales as well. FYI, this and the above info was attained Friday from a Hales/Wadia dealer(also a friend of Paul). Although this is positive, proably still should cross our fingers....LR