Is going from a Ortofon Candenza Black to a Ortofon Winfield a lateral move?

I have an opportunity to pick up a very low use Winfield at a good price. That said, after moving my Cadenza Black I'll pay at least $750 for the Winfield. The Winfield retails for about $1,400 more but to me the specs look pretty similar. Anybody have any experience with these carts to provide some feedback? Thanks. 
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Showing 3 responses by rauliruegas

Dear friends : As I stated and other gentlemans did it ( @billstevenson @edgewear ) the Windfeld came from 2008 with the Replicant 100 stylus shape:

and yes as edgewear posted the MC3000MK2 ( that I own. ) was the first cartridge with the Replicant 100.

Other advantage of the Windfeld over other Ortofon cartridges is that has a way high tracking abilities that permits it to pick-up more and with better quality recorded information in a good set up.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTION,
Dear @bfoura :  I posted that in cartridges specs could not really gives the true to make a comparison in between 2 cartridges, latter on you posted:

@stringreen To my ears the CB does the same thing..."

that's almost the same because cartridge quality characteristics through listen it are graded, have different quality levels. So you can't make a true comparison in between : there are " levels " and " levels " with same characteristics of sound.

My first Ortofon cartridges  was the really vintage MC10 MK2, followed by the MC30, MC2000, MC3000, MC3000MK2, MC5000, MC7500, Jubilee, etc, etc and I had the opportunity to listen in my system the Windfeld, MCA95 and other models and I know that when Ortofon designed and build a cartridge to commemoration something they puts additional effort in all the whole design and excecution to the design as: tigther tolerances, hand selected parts, deep tests including cartridge voicing and the Windfeld was an is one of those cartridges.

The W belongs to a different league than the CB that's just a catalogue model, a good one but that's all.

There is no problñem to make the W cartridge set up you but what is really important is that your room/system can have the quality and resolution need it to honor the W quality performance levels.
If you have any single doubt of any system chain link that is not up to the task my opinion is that stay with the CB.

Dear @bfoura : "" e but to me the specs look pretty similar...""

I don’t know how you can " evaluate " two cartridges with only specs.

Both cartridges are way different and the Windfeld is superior and if you like about specs tha Winfeld has way better FR but instead Shibata stylus the Windfeld comes with the Replicant 100 stylus that Ortofon reserves for the top models as the Anna or the A95.

Now, along the Windfeld you need that the headshell wires be way better than the stock ones and if you can invest in a tonearm internal re-wiring and maybe a new mat and clamp for the TT. Music and the Windfeld deserves that kind of effort/investment..

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,