Is going from a Ortofon Candenza Black to a Ortofon Winfield a lateral move?

I have an opportunity to pick up a very low use Winfield at a good price. That said, after moving my Cadenza Black I'll pay at least $750 for the Winfield. The Winfield retails for about $1,400 more but to me the specs look pretty similar. Anybody have any experience with these carts to provide some feedback? Thanks. 
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Showing 1 response by bajaed

Just added a Cadenza Black on my Feickert Woodpecker with a Kuzma Stogi 12 w VTA tower. Running it through an Icon Ps1 Mkii phono stage w 100 ohms and 72 db. Still fiddling w adjustments and some cable changes but I think it's going to be really nice.