Is "detailed" audiophile code for too much treble?

When I listen to speakers or components that are described as "detailed". I usually find them to be "bright". I like a balanced response and if there is an emphasis, I prefer a little more mid-bass.


It is a question, what say you all?


Showing 2 responses by yyzsantabarbara

Bright gives me a headache or fatigue. Detailed does not necessarily have that same physical effect. A lot of times it does but when it does not, I keep that gear.

@immatthewj The Benchmark AHB2 is the most detailed amp you can find. No other amp is as close, until maybe the recent SimAudio North Collection. The AHB2 is a bit sterile sounding with neutral and bright gear. It works well with warmer gear.

However, the SimAudio seems as detailed and not sterile or fatiguing. I heard it with what I condsider rather bright speakers. This thing is at another level of detail compared to my CODA #16, which is pretty good in that regard.

I recently heard a $100k CH Precision amp a few days after the $15k SimAudio 761 and though the speakers were different the details from the Sim were a lot more. Main thing is that it was not fatiguing.

The most detailed gear I have ever heard at any price is the new RAAL 1995 Immanis headphones at $10k. Stereophile and TAS will have reviews of them soon. Not fatiguing at all. I would love to hear this with the AHB2 amp. I think the Sim would be too powerful.