Is "detailed" audiophile code for too much treble?

When I listen to speakers or components that are described as "detailed". I usually find them to be "bright". I like a balanced response and if there is an emphasis, I prefer a little more mid-bass.


It is a question, what say you all?


Showing 4 responses by mapman

Bottom line is higher frequencies are an essential part of detail. They can also be a key source of noise and distortion which lead to fatigue.   It all is needed and all needs to be done well ie have a handle on noise and distortion.  After that it’s largely a matter of tuning to personal preference. 

ffed,” or “smeared” is what you hear when you go into the venue’s bathroom

That’s because the higher frequencies have been lost and only the lower remain. 

Another  visual analogy:  The best portraits are hardly ever over lit.   Light levels set the mood.  Same with higher frequencies in audio.  

For example, Audio Research does tend to do a good job in presenting detail without overdoing it to the point of becoming fatiguing as indicated above. 


It’s hard to be detailed if not bright ie dull. For proof just Turn down the lights and watch the detail fade away.

Higher frequencies enable detail.   That’s just how it works.  But the devil is always in the detail.