Audio is all about personal preferences. Bright, warm, and other terms are unfortunately fluid. Bright to me is quite annoying, in fact I was never able to listen to classical music until recently because no speakers I had owned could competently reproduce strings. They were mostly dark/warm, but some were just bright, the highs were annoying. I recently purchased Caladans, apparently I was fortunate because my wait was only around 3 or 4 months, but it was worth it. Now I had owned Quad ELS57s decades ago, and I strongly suspect that I would have enjoyed classical music through them.They had limitations, most notably volume, that resulted in my moving on, but they had an amazing midrange. Anyway, you might hate my system. It is detailed, and some are overwhelmed by details. People hear things that they had never heard before on recordings that they believed they knew well. I don't find it bright, I can even listen to Kokomo, one of my best tracks for testing brightness. So, I don't know if you dislike brightness or details, but screw what others like. Listening is personal, listen to what you like and just enjoy. If you try to please others, you'll go nuts because you can't.