@12many… “that for my ear, with each bump up in resolution or detail due to better components, the tone or frequency shifted slightly upwards, making the entire presentation seem a tad bit brighter”.
+1 For me as well.
That is an easy path to take. Auditioning better equipment you listen for what is most easily discernible… detail… it often comes with a slight bump in brightness. I have followed this path and ended up with a very sterile system. I refocused on the music and quickly refocused on Audio Research, Conrad Johnson, VAC and Sonus Faber which focus on the music first (midrange bloom and rhythm / pace) then add detail and bass without allowing the overall tonal balance to change. In the end with these products you get the overall gestalt of the music without highlighted (exaggerated) details.
Doesn’t mean that sound is not pleasurable to many people. Different folks listen to different things. Some folks like to have their chest feel the bass, some the violinist move their foot, but some want to recreate the real thing and emotional connection… an easy path to loose in the process.