Is D for Dry? Class D...

Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry on
i concur with @adameos -- the devialet adh integrated amps are full of saturated rich colors and impact... really lovely sound, just the opposite of ’dry’ and ’lifeless’ -- so one could say that class d amplification is like all else in high end hifi -- when you buy smart, and are willing to pay up for quality, you get what you pay for...

Check out PS Audio Stellar series.  I believe Stereophile did a review praising the M700 mono amps, which I have.  Awesome sounding my opinion.  
I read the 10audio review of the Mivera amp, a stereo stock IceEdge 1200 AS2.  Pretty bad--rolled off HF with all the deadly consequences for detail, spatiality, etc.  I'm sure the 1200 AS1 stock used for each channel would be better, but how much?  Since you believe there is nothing special about Legacy IV2, is it just a stock 1200 AS1 with fancy casework, etc.?  How do you explain the great reviews of the similar IV4 ultra, both from hometheaterhifi and our friend zephyr24069?
1. Brand biased to Legacy Audio
2. Advertising dollars

Using one channel of 1200AS2 is identical to single 1200AS1
Using one channel each of 2 x 1200AS2 is identical to 2 x 1200AS1
Using both channels of 1200AS2 sounds identical to one channel each of 2 x 1200AS2, except you have 1200w@4ohms vs 670w@4ohms for 1200AS2.

If you plan on purchasing an amp, and having Ric do his mods, why wouldn't you buy used instead of new? Once Ric's mod's are applied, you lose your warranty anyway. If you check HiFiShark, you'll almost be guaranteed of finding a used Icepower 1200as2 amp for sale.