Is D for Dry? Class D...

Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry on

Showing 5 responses by jjss49

class d amplification is a just technology

how it is designed and voiced determines how it sounds

just like a class ab amp can sound sharp with flat soundstage... well sometimes, even often the case... but not always
seems to me that since class d is newer tech with new possibilities for good sounding cost effective builds and a lot of active innovation in the amp modules, there are many new efforts to make good sounding amps using these modules

as in any case with emerging/new-ish technologies, you have older aficianados who will poo-poo it, having been burned before or having experienced poor sound from earlier cruder versions... so while they may indeed have had these experiences, and they are not wrong, their experiences are increasingly out of date, and don’t fairly reflect on what is being accomplished presently by innovative folks working with the latest versions of these 
ralph -- don’t waste your breathe...  it isn't that people like this don't understand, it is that they can't help themselves and they don't care
i concur with @adameos -- the devialet adh integrated amps are full of saturated rich colors and impact... really lovely sound, just the opposite of ’dry’ and ’lifeless’ -- so one could say that class d amplification is like all else in high end hifi -- when you buy smart, and are willing to pay up for quality, you get what you pay for...

progress is inevitable, some times for the better sometimes for the worse

in audio, there are always great engineers and impassioned music lovers striving for positive progress using new techniques and technologies

on the other hand, many people don’t have the time, energy, money or attention span to keep up and be truly aware of the progress being made by those who are making it

those people don't like to admit the above, and prefer to express negativity on discussion boards such as this