Is bass the most important frequency band?

One thing I’ve noticed when upgrading my audio system is that when I have really good bass, I’m happy. If the bass is top notch, I can overlook less-than-stellar treble or so-so midrange. The opposite does not seem to be true. Sure, I can get tremendous enjoyment out of a high-fidelity playback of a flute or other instrument that doesn’t have much bass impact, but when I switch to a track that has some slam, if my sub/woofers don’t perform, I’m left wanting, and I am inclined to change the track. When my subwoofer game is top notch, there is something extremely pleasing about tight, powerful, and accurate bass response that easily puts a smile on my face and lifts my mood in a matter of seconds. Maybe it all boils down to the fact that bass frequencies are heard AND felt and the inclusion of another sense (touch/feeling) gives bass a competitive edge over midrange and treble. I am not talking about loud bass (although that can be really fun and has its place), but the type of bass that gives you a sense of a kick drum’s size or allows for the double bass to reach out and vibrate the room and your body. I propose to you that bass and sub-bass should be optimized first and foremost, followed by treble and midrange in order to maximize enjoyment. Thoughts?

Showing 2 responses by 4krowme

 What a balance we must achieve to please ourselves. And on top of that, mood matters, damned age matters now, then there is the environment for listening. Assuming that all goes well I can't top the experience. But  it is just about anywhere in the audio spectrum (except treble, which I just don't hear well anymore), it has to be right for me. Midrange can make me cover my ears, 'bad' bass loses my interest, and even noise if it is too high makes me walk away. If it don't sing, I'm walkin'.
bayliner,  I have not considered that one frequency or even a set of frequencies are more harmful than others. A new thought to me, but I would be curious as to where your source for this information comes from. I would like to read about it more.