Is Audio Bluebook dead?

It appears to me that Audio Bluebook is no longer being updated.

For example: Sonus Faber Venere is a really popular speaker and I have seen many (100s?) listed on Audiogon over the last ~2 years. However, I can not find any historical sale prices for these speakers in Audio Bluebook.

I am pretty sure it is not me searching incorrectly because I have been able to find historical data on older products (sold on Audiogon prior to ~ 2013).

Is Audio Bluebook really dead? Or am I just suffering the after effects of Saturday night?




Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

Bluebooks, Audiogon or Orion, are not very accurate,
Best to use Hifishark and Ebay to gauge current listing prices and recent sold listing prices.
I would urge caution when using Hifishark, but it is helpful when searching for hard to find gear.
I just successfully bought some speaker cables from Ebay Germany that I would never have seen without Hifishark.

Why limit yourself to Audiogon?