Is an autoformer (AVC) always superior to pots and resistors ?

This is an argument some of my friends made to me. AVC is always the best volume control, better than anything else such as rk50 or resistor based volume controls. Have you found this to be the case?

I am also curious why AVC is not implemented more often in high end audio preamps / integrated amps.



Showing 5 responses by mrdecibel

TVCs, ime, rounds things out and softens transients, but like everything else, it is what your ears like. TVCs are supposed to be better with impedance matching between source and amp.

@sns, Mitch is correct, it is not the same. I am speaking unity gain, and my experience is exactly as stated. @mitch2, with a unity gain passive device, the gain is provided by the source, your last statement is unclear to me. sorry....... 

@mitch2 I apologize for my misunderstanding. I commented based on your statement " where the only gain ( if any ) comes from the autoformer transformers themselves ". If designed with +6 db gain, yes, but we are talking unity gain, so the source creates the gain. My best ! Always, MrD.

The Statement sounds like it does everything well. However, I have eliminated tubes from my system. Enjoy ! My best, MrD.

Mitch, I think using an additional set of interconnects, vs the icOn going direct into amps, might make this " test " invalid to the discussion at hand ( apples to apples / apples to oranges ), although, what ever sounds best to you. My best....