Is Agon becoming the eBay of audio?

I realize that this has been dissed before.
FWIW I'm a regular window shopper on Agon and have noticed a trend by sellers to misrepresent their wares and disregarding Agons condition rating guidelines in higher frequencies.  More listins stating item as"new" when item is obviously not and asking for top dollar. As of late for example an ad was placed for an item as "new" when owner admits that it is 1.5 years old and has at minimum 200+ hours of use. This in itself would be rated a 9/10 at best by the Agon rating system. Sellers are more defining and rating their product based on cosmetics than on functionality. For those buying it is increasingly important to do some deep research and close inspection of represenation pictures by enlarging available pictures to avoid disappointment. 
It is my opinion that buyers should not let emotions or immediate wants sway their common sense. At first sign of questionability be prepared to walk away.
Let the buyer beware

I understand your point, but the grading system was not devised or written by you or me. We just have to follow it.
Ugh, and now i have a "buyer" who paid and then 20 minutes later wants to cancel 
One of the best things about the "new" Audiogon platform is quietly working with disquieted long-time Audiogon users who are having problems posting or searching. The name of this smart and infinitely patient customer service rep is Tammy. A treasure. Thanks again, Tammy.