Is a separate phono preamp worthwhile?

Hello all. First post (cherry) for me. Longtime reader.
I have a McIntosh MA8900 integrated with a Ortofon 2M Black for vinyl playback. I'm using the MM input and I'm generally satisfied. I've heard some pressings that sound amazing , so I know it's capable.Would a purchase of a dedicated phono pre add to the performance or should it wait until a future replacement of the cartridge with a probable MC in the future.I mainly listen to prog rock, metal, some jazz , psych and of course classic rock.Thanks. Greg


Showing 1 response by inna

Not any separate phono stage would be better but great many, that's for sure. Unless it is something like Gryphon Diablo integrated's phono stage, separate is a way to go, and even then if you want higher level. Sure, one more pair of interconnects and power cord. Yet, in your case, I would wait because you don't know which MC you might choose. Cartridge first or both at the same time. I think, phono stage should be at least about twice as expensive as cartridge, especially with LOMC.